5th and last Day of the C1 Meeting in Italy
Last day At 9:15 we started with group work and finished at 10:30. At 11 we had to say goodbye to our Turkish and Serbian friends who had to open…
4th day of the C1 Meeting in Italy in March 2022
Fourth day Today we had a trip to Verona. We left at 9:00 from Hotel Eden and left by bus to go to Verona. The guide also came with us.…
3rd Day of the C1 Meeting in Italy
Third day At 9:10 we continued the economy presentations. We also presented other statistics from our schools and our countries. At 12:30 we had lunch. When we finished we started…
Impressions on Italy, March 2022, by Portugal
Portuguese students share their impressions on the meeting in Italy in March 2022 Views: 74
C1 – Italy Meeting, our first day
First day At 9:00 we met ourselves at the school entrance and we started to present our school. After this we sat down in the school hall. The other groups…