Today we spent all the day at school: we gathered in it at 9.30 a.m. (because yesterday, due to the visit of Porto, we left earlier than the usual). After doing a collective presentation (about “Hot to get a job”; each part was prepared in groups due days ago and Sofia -a portuguese girl- assembled it) we started a workshop that continued for all the day. We tried to apply to a real job (they gave us a track) preparing a curriculum vitae. The teachers, in the afternoon, checked our c.v. and lastly they said who was hired for the job. Furthermore the had group dynamics: we divided into 5 groups and for each one there were 2 teachers. We did a game where we had to close our eyes and they asked us some questions related to our dreams and happy past moments (they also gave us a balloon where we put our dream and we had to understand that we didn’t have to pop each other balloon). Lastly we had to create a new company – always in groups – and then we presented them to the other students. As the other days, than we had free time.

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